A new Texas COVID-19 Rent Relief/rent assistance program is available. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) has launched the Texas Rent Relief Program. This program is the first statewide rent and utility assistance program for qualifying Texas households and is funded by the latest federal COVID-19 stimulus bill.
Texas COVID-19 Rent Relief Eligibility
Applicants’ eligibility for rent relief under the program will begin with them answering “yes’ to the following questions:
- Are you seeking assistance for rent and/or utility for your primary residence located in Texas?
- Is your household income less than or equal to 80% Area Median Income (AMI) for its size? (More on AMI is found below.)
- Can anyone in the household demonstrate a risk of homelessness?
- Has anyone in the household experienced reduction or loss of income, increased expenses, or qualified for unemployment benefits?
- Is this the only payment assistance you are requesting or will receive for these months?
Applicants who answer yes to all 5 questions may be eligible for relief and can file an application.
Rent Relief Program Benefits
The program helps Renters and their Landlords. The program may cover costs as far back as March 13, 2020. Potential covered cost include:
- Past due, current, and up to 3 months of expected rent costs,
- Past due, current, and up to 3 months of expected utility and home energy expenses, and
- After the initial 3 months of forward assistance, renters can apply for 3 additional months of assistance if funds are still available.
Texas COVID-19 Rent Relief Program Landlords’ and Renters Applications
Landlords and Renters may apply for benefits. Landlords may apply for unpaid or future rent on behalf of Renters. All received benefits must be used to satisfy Renters’ rent obligations and Renters must sign the applications. Renters may apply with or without their Landlords’ participation.
On-line Application and Information
Applications can be submitted by calling 1-833-989-7368 or by on-line submission at TexasRentRelief.com. More information and frequently asked questions are found at the same website. Information about Area Median Income (AMI) is available from the document, TX_Rent_Relief_income_limits.pdf available at texasrentrelief.com.